Wedding Photography Styles Explained

Wedding Photography Styles Explained

Color palettes, wedding themes, and wedding clothes are all personal choices for each couple. However, one of the most important choices you’ll have to make is which wedding photography style to utilize to document your special day. Wedding photography in Atlanta showcases new and beautiful styles to make you open your wedding album every now and then.

Whether you want dark and brooding photographs of brilliant fine art photographs, there is a style for every couple. Furthermore, choosing your wedding photography style may aid in the selection of your wedding photographer, since different professionals specialize in various styles.

Top 5 Wedding Photography Styles Explained

Artistic Photography

As the name suggests, artistic wedding photography places a specific emphasis on creative elements. However, it is not just intended to capture noteworthy occurrences. A professional photographer who specializes in this type of photography aims to create a picture that resembles a piece of fine art. Delicate and time-consuming picture processing and editing are also required for such photographs.

Creative Photography

You should expect the unexpected from a creative photographer. Create one-of-a-kind photographs by using unusual methods and angles. You’ll find that each photograph is unique and entertaining to look at. Traditional photo possibilities aren’t the only thing on your mind. On a wedding day, it might take time to generate unique photographs. Always inquire how much time you will be spending on photographs.

READ: What To Look For In A Wedding Photographer

Traditional Photography

A wedding album is typically created as part of traditional wedding photography. Posing takes up a significant amount of time in this kind of work. Newlyweds can share their thoughts and requests for the content of their photos as well as the design of their future photo albums. Best photographers in Atlanta have expertise in handling traditional and conventional photography styles.

Black and White Photography

Black and white photographs appeal to certain individuals, while color photos appeal to others. Many photographers convert their color photographs to black and white in order to cover lighting problems. One of the wedding photography styles in which the items are the major emphasis is the macro style.

Aerial Photography

Aerial photography is a must-have skill if you want to keep up with the current picture trends and create distinctive wedding photographs. In this case, special professional equipment is required. First, you’ll need a decent drone with an HD camera attached. From the bird’s eye view, you’ll be able to photograph stunning vistas. If the wedding ceremony is mostly held indoors, you’ll have plenty of opportunities for aerial photos.

Finding a reliable photography studio in Atlanta, GA can be overwhelming, but if you are looking to try new and unique styles, make sure to ask your photographers for that beforehand.